A Note on Reciprocity

As of October 2024: The current sliding fee scale for one on one work is $40-$120 for a 1-hour session*

The nature of my guide work comes from models of community and care, and thus often feels in contrast and tension with traditional capitalistic models of business transaction.

In this way I seek to work with clients and families of clients on an agreed upon system of reciprocity that feels sustainable to both parties, and recognizes that we do live in a social system where money is a highly essential resource that provides sustainability.  

The aim of fair reciprocity agreements is for me as a guide to maintain the means to support myself and further this work, and for families not to feel depleted of resources in order to engage further with this work.

For each client/family I work with I offer an initial sliding fee scale (A sliding fee scale is a suggested monetary value range, from the suggested minimum to the maximum, of our work together) based on the expected services requested. Clients/families are asked to find where on that scale they can feel they both honor the value of my time and services as a guide, and honor their current resources situation.

My intention is to offer a range wide enough that my financial costs and needs are fairly met, while also staying accessible to a diversity of economic demographics. In an ideal community care model, clients/families capable of offering a higher monetary amount will essentially be paying forward the ability for me to take on clients with lesser means. In this way, the way of reciprocity is both individual, and community large.

While money is often the preferred method for reciprocity, there are scenarios in which clients and families may wish to offer another method of reciprocity, an exchange of other services or gifts that honor the value of our work together.

Clients/families may choose to pay the same every session, or choose a different contribution within the agreed upon sliding fee scale. At any time while working together as financial situations fluctuate and evolve, clients/families are encouraged to reach out to update our sliding fee scale to meet current needs.

*A guide for placing yourself on the sliding scale:

Lowest End of Scale: You struggle to maintain access to needs such as health care, housing, food, child care, and are living paycheck to paycheck or are in significant debt. You are low-income and have no access to wealth or support from family members.

Middle of Scale: You are struggling to conquer debt or build savings to move away from paycheck to paycheck living but have access to steady income and are not spending most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs.

Highest End of Scale: You have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings. You are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worried about securing necessities in your life.

May the way of reciprocity be an ongoing and open conversation!